Reference: Remote Commands ~ Syntax
OTS9100 User Manual 3-13
General Rules
Here are some general rules for using SCPI commands, queries, and parameters:
You can use single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) quotation marks for quoted strings, but you cannot use
both types of quotation marks for the same string.
correct: “This string uses quotation marks correctly.”
correct: ‘This string also uses quotation marks correctly.’
incorrect: “This string does not use quotation marks correctly.’
You can use upper case, lower case, or a mixture of both cases for all command, queries, and
is the same as
No embedded spaces are allowed between or within nodes.
correct: SOURce:DATA:STRUcture
incorrect: SOURce: DATA: STRUcture
incorrect: SO URce:DATA: STRU cture
Slot Specifiers
The OTS9100 system can contain multiple modules of the same type, e.g., more than one receiver, more
than one transmitter. Any module-specific command or query may include, as a numeric suffix on the
header’s first keyword, the slot number of the target module to indicate the particular instance of that
module for which the command or query is intended.
For example, the command
is intended for the transmitter module in slot 5.
Slot specifiers are indicated by <Slot> in the command listings. Slot specifiers are optional; if a slot
specifier is omitted, the command or query is directed to the lowest-numbered slot that contains a module
for which the command or query is valid.