5816 Remote Service (Not Used)
001 I/F Setting
Turns the remote diagnostics off and on.
0: Remote diagnostics off.
1: Serial (CSS or NRS) remote diagnostics on.
2: Network remote diagnostics.
002 CE Call Lets the service engineer start or end the remote machine
check with CSS or NRS; to do this, press the center report
003 Function Flag Enables and disables remote diagnosis over the NRS
0: Disables remote diagnosis over the network.
1: Enables remote diagnosis over the network.
006 Device
Information Call
Controls if the item for initial setting of the screen for the NRS
device-information notification-call is shown.
0: Enabled. Item initial setting not shown.
1: Disable. Item for initial setting shown.
007 SSL Disable Controls if RCG (Remote Communication Gate) confirmation
is done by SSL during an RCG send for the NRS over a
network interface.
0: Yes. SSL not used.
1: No. SSL used.
008 RCG Connect
Timeout Sets the length of time (seconds) for the time-out when the
RCG (Remote Communication Gate) connects during a call
via the NRS network.
[1~90/1 sec.]
009 RCG Write to
Timeout Sets the length of time (seconds) for the time-out when sent
data is written to the RCG during a call over the NRS
[0~100/1 sec.]
010 RCG Read
Timeout Sets the length of time (seconds) for the timeout when sent
data is written from the RCG during a call over the NRS
[0~100/1 sec.]
011 Port 80 Enable Controls if permission is given to get access to the SOAP
method over Port 80 on the NRS network.
0: No. Access denied
1: Yes. Access granted.