94 GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide
7Click Search.
Search Results and the number of matching results are
Click the radio button to select a contact and click OK to
view the Contact Properties page for the selected contact.
Importing Data into the Address Book
1Login as the system administrator.
2Click the Administration tab.
3Click the Address Book submenu.
4Click the Import link.
5Enter the file name of the address book to import or click
Browse to search for it.
6Select the delimiter from the drop-down menu.
7Click Import.
Exporting Data from the Address Book
1Login as the system administrator.
2Click the Administration tab.
3Click the Address Book submenu.
4Click the Export link.
5Select the delimiter from the drop-down menu.
6Click OK.
7Click the File Name link to download.
Click the table heading
in the Address Book for
which you wish to sort,
Group or Name. The
page will refresh and the
label will display an up
or down arrow indicating
the column in the list is
sorted in ascending or
descending order.