xviii GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide
Toshiba’s Electronic Document Processing System
Today, the notion of connecting multi-functional copiers to a
network to improve document quality, processing speed, and
overall productivity is no longer a novel one. Historically
however, it has not always been easy for users to take full
advantage of these benefits due to complexities in configuring
their network, selecting print and output properties, and
monitoring jobs.
With the introduction of the GL-1010, those difficulties are a
thing of the past. The GL-1010 controller provides cross-platform
support for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix operating systems
over a wide variety of network protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX/
SPX, NetBEUI, and AppleTalk. Additionally, the GL-1010 can
run over either Ethernet or Token Ring. No matter what your
network topology or configuration, you can enjoy all the benefits
of network printing.
Add to that a client software package and web-based device
management utility for unparalleled device and job control from
the convenience of your desktop, and you can truly appreciate the
time and opportunity cost savings the e-STUDIO GL-1010
Electronic Document Processing System affords.
As if that were not enough, now you leverage the cost and
optimize the productivity of the GL-1010 controller by installing
the optional Network Scan and the Network Fax kits. These
options ensure maximum production performance and efficiency,
as well as minimizing equipment costs, service calls, and the new
product learning curve.
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide, the GL-1010 Administrators Guide , is intended
primarily for Network Administrators or those responsible for
setting up, maintaining, and managing GL-1010 devices over the
network. A prerequisite for using this guide is a thorough
understanding of your network environment: type, configuration,
and terminology.
This guide is not intended for digital copier service technicians,
operators, or end users. For information on using and maintaining