108 GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide
CD-ROM mode. The following screen displays. Note that the
controller is now offline.
If this screen does not display, the controller did not boot off
the CD successfully. Refer toOS Update Does Not Boot Off CD
on page 229 .
7Press OK to continue. The controller begins copying the
software from the CD to the hard disk drive (HDD). This
process takes approximately seven minutes, during which
time the OS Update Progress screen displays.
8When the system update process completes, it automatically
powers down the controller. Press the START KEY to start
controller displays.
9Power on the controller by pressing the START button and
immediately eject the bootable CD-ROM from the drive. You
must remove the CD-ROM before the controller can boot up.
10 After boot up, an initialization process begins. This takes
approximately 30 to 45 minutes. During that time, Starting
Controller. Please wait displays. When complete, the
controller automatically reboots.
11 When communications with the copier resume, a test page
prints out on the copier and the front panel becomes
operational again. The controller software version printed on
the test page should match the actual update version. If so,
the system update has completed successfully.
If you experience problems during the update process, or if
the system does not come back online after the update