Tefal PY580025, PY580028, PY580012, PY580018 manual Cooking, After use, Storage

Page 39


Position the power cord carefully, whether an extension is used or


not, so that guests can move freely around the table without


tripping over it.

Never run the appliance

This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an


external timer or separate remote-control system.


The appliance works once plugged into the wall socket.


Allow appliance to pre-heat for 8 to 10 minutes.


During first use, the appliance may give off a slight odour and smoke: this


is normal.


Thermo-SpotTM: the Thermo-Spot turns sold red when the appliance is


perfectly preheated and ready to cook.





Always place the product on a flat, stable, heat-resistant work surface away from water splashes and other sources of heat.

Do not heat up the mini-pans while empty.

To avoid spoiling your product, do not use flambe recipes with this appliance at any time.

N.B. For "sweetened" garnishes (jam, sugar, maple syrup, etc.), we recommend that you garnish your crêpes after cooking them, in your plate, rather than directly on the appliance so as not to damage the hot plate.

After pre-heating, the appliance is ready to be used.

Recommendations for use of the mini-pans:

Do not use the min-pans on other heat sources: gas burners, electric hot plates, etc. that might damage them.

Do not leave plastic utensils (spatulas) in the mini-pans while they are heating or they may be damaged.

Do not cut ingredients up directly in the mini-pans so as to preserve the non-stick nature of their coating.

Do not place the hot mini-pans directly on fragile surfaces: tablecloths, varnished wood, etc. Use hot pads, coasters, or, in a pinch, small plates to set the mini-pans on between two cooking sessions.

Using the ladle, put in only the quantity of batter required by the recipe selected:

fill only up to the first ridge for crêpes.

fill the ladle completely for blinis and pancakes.

Spread the batter out using the back of the ladle and a circular movement.

In order to facilitate spreading the batter, it is recommended that you rest the ladle in a container of water between each use.

When dishes are halfway cooked, turn them using the spatula supplied for this purpose.

Garnish if necessary.

Let cook a bit longer according to the time indicated in the recipe and then place on your plate.








After use



Unplug the cord from the wall socket. Then, remove the cord from the






Leave the appliance to cool.



The hot plate should be cleaned using warm water and dishwashing






The spatulas, ladle and mini-pans can go in the dishwasher.



Do not use metal scourers or scouring powders to avoid damaging the



cooking surface (e.g.: non-stick coating…).













Once it has completely cooled, place the appliance upside down on a



Do not immerse the appliance

clean, flat and stable

surface such as a tablecloth, to avoid damaging the

cooking surface (



in water.

Store each accessory in its dedicated compartment. Always store the



Never immerse the appliance

accessories in the following order:

and the cord in water.

1 – Power cord, following the steps shown by the symbols:





2 – Spatulas, as shown by the symbols:







3 – Ladle, as shown by the symbol:









Image 39
Contents Wok Party Page Branchement et préchauffage AccessoiresInstallation Prévention des accidents domestiquesCuisson Après utilisationRangement Viandes PoissonsŒufs Accompagnements Pomme caramélisée DessertsBananes antillaises Poêlée de fruits rougesCrêpes propositions de garnitures BlinisPancakes NB dit apparaat is geen speelgoed InstallatieHet voorkomen van ongelukken in huis Aansluiting en voorverwarmingBakken Na gebruikOpbergen Vlees VisEieren Rijst BijgerechtenPannenkoeken Antilliaanse bananenRode vruchten Gecarameliseerde appelKaas Pannenkoeken garneersuggestiesVoorgerecht HoofdgerechtSicherheitshinweise Vorsorge gegen HaushaltsunfälleZubehör Anschluss und VorheizenZubereitung Fischfilet FischNach der Benutzung Denken Sie an den Schutz der UmweltEnten-Magret FleischKabeljau-Curry CurryhühnchenBeilagen EierFarben-Reis ReisgerichteKartoffeln mit Speck Kreolische JambalayaPfannkuchen Garnier-Vorschläge Rote Beeren-PfanneKaramellisierter Apfel PfannkuchenMehl 20 g Hefe Milch 1 EL geschmolzeneButter 1/2 TL Salz Für ca PfannkuchenCollegamento e preriscaldamento AccessoriInstallazione Prevenzione degli incidenti domesticiDopo l’uso CotturaCarne PesceUova al pomodoro UovaCarne tritata a sorpresa Suki-jaki manzo con carote e piselliDessert ContorniLe crêpes Suggerimenti per servire Frutti di bosco in padellaMele caramellate Le crêpesDi farina 2 uova Cottura 2,5 min. per latoDa prevedere 1 h prima Anslutning och förvärmning Förebyggande av olyckor i hemmetTillbehör beroende på modell MonteringVar rädd om miljön TillagningEfter användandet FörvaringKött FiskTillbehör ÄggEn panna full med röda bär DesserterRis i tre färger Bananer från VästindienPannkakor Förslag på tillbehörAccessories Prevention of accidents at homeConnection and pre-heating Cooking After useStorage Meats FishEggs Shrimp Creole jambalaya Side DishesProvençal-style Ceps Boletus mushrooms Potatoes with baconBeer-based batter Antilles bananasCaramel apple Buckwheat batterCheeses Suggestions for garnishesEntrées Starters Main DishesPrevención de los accidentes domésticos AccesoriosConexión y precalentamiento Cocción Después de utilizaciónCómo ordenar Camarones al caramelo PescadosCarnes Filete de pescado con champiñonesHuevos Patatas al tocino AcompañamientosTortilla de jamón queso Cepas a la ProvenzalManzana caramelizada PostresPlátanos antillanos Sartenada de frutas rojasProposiciones de guarniciones Los BlinisLos pancakes Ligação e pré-aquecimento Prevenção de acidentes domésticosAcessórios InstalaçãoApós utilização CozeduraPeixes Vitela Strogonov Caril de frangoMagret de pato Carne picada surpresaAcompanhamentos OvosOs crepes SobremesasTabuleiro de frutos vermelhos Maçã caramelizadaPanquecas Crepes Proposta de acompanhamentosPřipojení k síti a předehřátí Prevence úrazů v domácnostechPříslušenství InstalacePečení Po použitíUkládání Masa RybyKachní prsíčka Mleté maso s překvapenímSuki-jaki hovězí maso s mrkví a hráškem Přílohy VejceDezerty Palačinky Možné náplně Bliny Ruské lívancePancakes Americké lívance Pripojenie do elektrickej siete a predhriatie Ako predchádzať domácim nehodámPríslušenstvo InštaláciaUkladanie Doba vareniaRybie karí Podieľajme sa na ochrane životného prostrediaRybie filé na hubách Krevety s karamelomMleté mäso s prekvapením MäsáKurča na karí Kačacie prsičkáPrílohy VajciaZemiaky na slanine Jambalaya po kreolskyRyža troch farieb Ovocná panvica PalacinkyPalacinky Možné náplne Pancakes 300 g múky Počítajte s 1 hodinou na prípravu Bliny Ruské lievancePancakes Americké lievance Recept na približnePage Page Page Page Page RC 301 520 920 Ref .025 04/11
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