Tefal PY580028, PY580012, PY580018, PY580025 manual Fish, Meats

Page 40






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Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.

Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.

This product has been designed for domestic use only. Any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to comply with the instructions, the manufacturer accepts no responsibility and the guarantee will not apply. If you have any problems or queries, consult our website – www.tefal.co.uk or call our Helpline: 0845 602 1454 – UK, or 01 677 4003 – Ireland.



Fish fillet with mushrooms



600 gr salmon fillet cut into cubes • 1 chopped shallot (6 tsp.) • 4 button mushrooms cut in slices (24 slices) • 1 knob of butter • 150 ml white wine

6 Tbsp. fresh cream • salt


Cooking time: 8 minutes

Melt the butter and add 1 tsp. of chopped shallot and 4 slices of mushroom, then lightly brown. Add 100 gr of fish cut in cubes, stir gently and lightly brown. Then add 1 Tbsp. white wine, the salt and pepper, and stir. Let cook 4 – 5 minutes, then add the fresh cream. Stir and serve.

N.B. You may use several types of fish fillets and various types of mushrooms (button mushrooms, Fairy Rings, ceps, etc.).



Caramel Shrimp

Per mini-pan: • 100 gr shrimp (600 gr total) • 1 streak of oil

1 Tbsp. sugar • 1 tsp. Pastis liqueur • 1 tsp. soy sauce • salt

pepper • optional: 1 tsp. corn starch

Cooking time: 6 minutes

Wash and peel the shrimp. Heat the oil in the mini-pans , then quickly brown the shrimp while stirring them. Immediately sprinkle with powdered sugar, mix together and let caramelize while stirring.

Then pour in the Pastis and soy sauce. Add salt and pepper, and stir.


Curried cod

For 6 mini-pans: • 600 gr cod fillets (or mackerel)

1 chopped garlic clove

1/2 chopped onion • 210 gr tomato concentrate • 1 tsp. curry • 1 Tbsp. oil • 1 lemon

salt • pepper

Cooking time: 8 minutes

Heat the oil in the mini-pans, then lightly brown 100 gr of fish cut in cubes. Add a pinch of chopped onion and garlic. Mix in 1 Tbsp. tomato concentrate and the lemon juice, then sprinkle with the curry. Add salt and pepper, and stir.


Chicken Curry

Per mini-pan: • 1/2 chicken breast cut into pieces • 1 slice chopped onion • 1 chopped shallot • 1 knob of butter

curry powder • pepper

1 Tbsp. fresh cream • mango chutney, depending on your taste

Cooking time: 12 minutes

Melt the butter and lightly sauté the shallot, onion and chicken (on all sides). Then sprinkle with curry, salt and pepper. Stir and let cook for a few moments. Add the fresh cream, then stir and add a little mango chutney, according to taste, before serving.

Duck magret

• 600 gr duck breast cut into

Cooking time: 9 minutes

small cubes • 3 Tbsp. sesame

Brown 100 gr. of duck breast, cubed, in 1/2 Tbsp. of sesame oil. Add salt

oil • 200 gr tomato coulis

and pepper, and stir. Add 1 Tbsp. of tomato coulis. Let simmer for a few

• 6 pineapple slices

minutes and then add the pineapple slices.


Image 40
Contents Wok Party Page Accessoires InstallationPrévention des accidents domestiques Branchement et préchauffageAprès utilisation CuissonRangement Poissons ViandesŒufs Accompagnements Desserts Bananes antillaisesPoêlée de fruits rouges Pomme caraméliséeBlinis Crêpes propositions de garnituresPancakes Installatie Het voorkomen van ongelukken in huisAansluiting en voorverwarming NB dit apparaat is geen speelgoedNa gebruik BakkenOpbergen Vis VleesEieren Bijgerechten RijstAntilliaanse bananen Rode vruchtenGecarameliseerde appel PannenkoekenPannenkoeken garneersuggesties VoorgerechtHoofdgerecht KaasVorsorge gegen Haushaltsunfälle SicherheitshinweiseAnschluss und Vorheizen ZubehörZubereitung Fisch Nach der BenutzungDenken Sie an den Schutz der Umwelt FischfiletFleisch Kabeljau-CurryCurryhühnchen Enten-MagretEier BeilagenReisgerichte Kartoffeln mit SpeckKreolische Jambalaya Farben-ReisRote Beeren-Pfanne Karamellisierter ApfelPfannkuchen Pfannkuchen Garnier-VorschlägeMilch 1 EL geschmolzene Butter 1/2 TL SalzFür ca Pfannkuchen Mehl 20 g HefeAccessori InstallazionePrevenzione degli incidenti domestici Collegamento e preriscaldamentoCottura Dopo l’usoPesce CarneUova Carne tritata a sorpresaSuki-jaki manzo con carote e piselli Uova al pomodoroContorni DessertFrutti di bosco in padella Mele caramellateLe crêpes Le crêpes Suggerimenti per servireCottura 2,5 min. per lato Di farina 2 uovaDa prevedere 1 h prima Förebyggande av olyckor i hemmet Tillbehör beroende på modellMontering Anslutning och förvärmningTillagning Efter användandetFörvaring Var rädd om miljönFisk KöttÄgg TillbehörDesserter Ris i tre färgerBananer från Västindien En panna full med röda bärFörslag på tillbehör PannkakorPrevention of accidents at home AccessoriesConnection and pre-heating After use CookingStorage Fish MeatsEggs Side Dishes Provençal-style Ceps Boletus mushroomsPotatoes with bacon Shrimp Creole jambalayaAntilles bananas Caramel appleBuckwheat batter Beer-based batterSuggestions for garnishes Entrées StartersMain Dishes CheesesAccesorios Prevención de los accidentes domésticosConexión y precalentamiento Después de utilización CocciónCómo ordenar Pescados CarnesFilete de pescado con champiñones Camarones al carameloHuevos Acompañamientos Tortilla de jamón quesoCepas a la Provenzal Patatas al tocinoPostres Plátanos antillanosSartenada de frutas rojas Manzana caramelizadaLos Blinis Proposiciones de guarnicionesLos pancakes Prevenção de acidentes domésticos AcessóriosInstalação Ligação e pré-aquecimentoCozedura Após utilizaçãoPeixes Caril de frango Magret de patoCarne picada surpresa Vitela StrogonovOvos AcompanhamentosSobremesas Tabuleiro de frutos vermelhosMaçã caramelizada Os crepesCrepes Proposta de acompanhamentos PanquecasPrevence úrazů v domácnostech PříslušenstvíInstalace Připojení k síti a předehřátíPo použití PečeníUkládání Ryby MasaMleté maso s překvapením Kachní prsíčkaSuki-jaki hovězí maso s mrkví a hráškem Vejce PřílohyDezerty Bliny Ruské lívance Palačinky Možné náplněPancakes Americké lívance Ako predchádzať domácim nehodám PríslušenstvoInštalácia Pripojenie do elektrickej siete a predhriatieDoba varenia UkladaniePodieľajme sa na ochrane životného prostredia Rybie filé na hubáchKrevety s karamelom Rybie karíMäsá Kurča na karíKačacie prsičká Mleté mäso s prekvapenímVajcia PrílohyJambalaya po kreolsky Zemiaky na slanineRyža troch farieb Palacinky Ovocná panvicaPalacinky Možné náplne Bliny Ruské lievance Pancakes Americké lievanceRecept na približne Pancakes 300 g múky Počítajte s 1 hodinou na prípravuPage Page Page Page Page RC 301 520 920 Ref .025 04/11
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