Tefal PY580018, PY580028 Side Dishes, Provençal-style Ceps Boletus mushrooms, Potatoes with bacon

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Side Dishes

Provençal-style Ceps (Boletus mushrooms)

For 6 mini-pans: • 600 gr ceps

Cooking time: 12 minutes

• 3 medium tomatoes

Clean and peel the mushrooms. Lightly sauté them in 1 tsp. of oil with

• 2 shallots • 1 garlic clove

1 tsp. chopped shallot and 1/2 crushed tomato. Add salt and pepper.

• 50 gr parsley • thyme • oil

As soon as the mushrooms are cooked, add in the herbs and chopped

• salt • pepper


Potatoes with bacon



Per mini-pan: • 1 knob of butter • 2 tsp. bacon cut into cubes • 1 tsp. chopped onion

2 generous Tbsp. of steamed potatoes cut into cubes (you may also use frozen potatoes, adding 3 – 5 minutes to the cooking time)

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Lightly brown the butter in the mini-pan, then add the onions and bacon. Stir for 1 minute so that the bacon cooks on all sides, then add the pre- cooked potatoes. Stir with a spatula, letting the potatoes brown on all sides and cook to taste, then serve.






Shrimp Creole jambalaya

• 300 gr cooked rice • 200 gr

Cooking time: 8 minutes

peeled shrimp • 200 gr cubed

Using a little olive oil, lightly sauté 4 shrimp cut in pieces and 4 finely-

ham • 150 gr chorizo sausage

sliced rounds of chorizo, along with 10 tiny ham cubes. Add in 1 Tbsp. of

• 2 tomatoes, cubed

chopped onion, 1 tsp. of cooked green pepper and 1 Tbsp. of cubed

• 1 chopped onion • 150 ml


white wine • 1 cooked green

Add 50 gr cooked rice, 2 Tbsp. white wine, and 1 tsp. of tomato

pepper • 1 Tbsp. olive oil

concentrate. Add salt and pepper, and stir well.

• 1 Tbsp. tomato concentrate


• salt and pepper







3-Color Rice


• 300 gr rice, cooked ahead of

Cooking time: 6 minutes

time • 300 gr peeled shrimp

In a little oil, lightly sauté 1 Tbsp. lardons, 1 Tbsp. shredded mushrooms,

• 150 gr button mushrooms

1 Tbsp. shrimp and 1 Tbsp. soy sauce. Add 50 gr of cooked rice. Add salt

• 150 gr lardons • 6 Tbsp. soy

and pepper, and stir.

sauce • oil • salt and pepper



Image 42
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