Tefal PY580028, PY580012 manual Suggestions for garnishes, Entrées Starters, Main Dishes, Cheeses

Page 44







Suggestions for garnishes

Entrées (Starters)

thinly sliced smoked salmon (sprinkled with lemon juice) • lumpfish eggs (sprinkled with lemon juice), crab, shrimp or shredded tuna with mustard

Main Dishes

chicken breast with curry sauce (béchamel sauce mixed with 1 chopped onion and 1/2 tsp. curry)

seafood with béchamel sauce or lobster sauce with cognac


grated Gruyere, Parmesan, Raclette (put the cheese on while cooking once the crepe has been turned, and let melt) • Roquefort, fresh cream, Petit Suisse (creamy, white cheese) – place the Roquefort or Petit Suisse on top of the crepe when it is in your plate


melted chocolate with crushed almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts • brown or white sugar, or jam (blueberry, raspberry, etc.) • creamed chestnuts • scoop of ice cream (vanilla, chocolate) • honey, crushed hazelnuts • sliced banana with sugar




For about 20 blinis: • 300 g plain flour • 2 eggs • 10 g fresh yeast • 1/2 litre milk

1 knob of melted butter

1/2 tsp. salt

Cooking time: 2 1/2 min. on each side

Blend the yeast with 3 tablespoons of lukewarm milk and leave to stand for 10 min. Place the flour in a bowl and make a hollow in the centre. A little at a time, mix in the remaining milk. Add the yeast, egg yolks, melted butter and salt. Leave to stand in a warm place for about 1 hour. Just before cooking the blinis, beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the batter. Serve the blinis with caviar.




For about 20 pancakes: • 300 g plain flour • 20 g fresh yeast

3 eggs • 300 ml milk • 30 g castor sugar • 2 Tbsp. of melted butter • 1 pinch of salt

30 g of butter during cooking

Cooking time: 2 1/2 min. on each side

Plan 1 hour in advance.

Blend the yeast with 3 tablespoons of lukewarm milk. In a bowl, place the flour, add the castor sugar, salt and melted butter. Make a hollow and add the eggs and the yeast blended in milk. Beat the batter and slowly add the remaining milk. Leave to stand in a warm place for about 1 hour and cover with a cloth. Serve with jam or maple syrup.


Image 44
Contents Wok Party Page Accessoires InstallationPrévention des accidents domestiques Branchement et préchauffageRangement CuissonAprès utilisation Poissons ViandesŒufs Accompagnements Desserts Bananes antillaisesPoêlée de fruits rouges Pomme caraméliséePancakes Crêpes propositions de garnituresBlinis Installatie Het voorkomen van ongelukken in huisAansluiting en voorverwarming NB dit apparaat is geen speelgoedOpbergen BakkenNa gebruik Vis VleesEieren Bijgerechten RijstAntilliaanse bananen Rode vruchtenGecarameliseerde appel PannenkoekenPannenkoeken garneersuggesties VoorgerechtHoofdgerecht KaasVorsorge gegen Haushaltsunfälle SicherheitshinweiseZubereitung ZubehörAnschluss und Vorheizen Fisch Nach der BenutzungDenken Sie an den Schutz der Umwelt FischfiletFleisch Kabeljau-CurryCurryhühnchen Enten-MagretEier BeilagenReisgerichte Kartoffeln mit SpeckKreolische Jambalaya Farben-ReisRote Beeren-Pfanne Karamellisierter ApfelPfannkuchen Pfannkuchen Garnier-VorschlägeMilch 1 EL geschmolzene Butter 1/2 TL SalzFür ca Pfannkuchen Mehl 20 g HefeAccessori InstallazionePrevenzione degli incidenti domestici Collegamento e preriscaldamentoCottura Dopo l’usoPesce CarneUova Carne tritata a sorpresaSuki-jaki manzo con carote e piselli Uova al pomodoroContorni DessertFrutti di bosco in padella Mele caramellateLe crêpes Le crêpes Suggerimenti per servireDa prevedere 1 h prima Di farina 2 uovaCottura 2,5 min. per lato Förebyggande av olyckor i hemmet Tillbehör beroende på modellMontering Anslutning och förvärmningTillagning Efter användandetFörvaring Var rädd om miljönFisk KöttÄgg TillbehörDesserter Ris i tre färgerBananer från Västindien En panna full med röda bärFörslag på tillbehör PannkakorConnection and pre-heating AccessoriesPrevention of accidents at home Storage CookingAfter use Fish MeatsEggs Side Dishes Provençal-style Ceps Boletus mushroomsPotatoes with bacon Shrimp Creole jambalayaAntilles bananas Caramel appleBuckwheat batter Beer-based batterSuggestions for garnishes Entrées StartersMain Dishes CheesesConexión y precalentamiento Prevención de los accidentes domésticosAccesorios Cómo ordenar CocciónDespués de utilización Pescados CarnesFilete de pescado con champiñones Camarones al carameloHuevos Acompañamientos Tortilla de jamón quesoCepas a la Provenzal Patatas al tocinoPostres Plátanos antillanosSartenada de frutas rojas Manzana caramelizadaLos pancakes Proposiciones de guarnicionesLos Blinis Prevenção de acidentes domésticos AcessóriosInstalação Ligação e pré-aquecimentoCozedura Após utilizaçãoPeixes Caril de frango Magret de patoCarne picada surpresa Vitela StrogonovOvos AcompanhamentosSobremesas Tabuleiro de frutos vermelhosMaçã caramelizada Os crepesCrepes Proposta de acompanhamentos PanquecasPrevence úrazů v domácnostech PříslušenstvíInstalace Připojení k síti a předehřátíUkládání PečeníPo použití Ryby MasaSuki-jaki hovězí maso s mrkví a hráškem Kachní prsíčkaMleté maso s překvapením Vejce PřílohyDezerty Pancakes Americké lívance Palačinky Možné náplněBliny Ruské lívance Ako predchádzať domácim nehodám PríslušenstvoInštalácia Pripojenie do elektrickej siete a predhriatieDoba varenia UkladaniePodieľajme sa na ochrane životného prostredia Rybie filé na hubáchKrevety s karamelom Rybie karíMäsá Kurča na karíKačacie prsičká Mleté mäso s prekvapenímVajcia PrílohyRyža troch farieb Zemiaky na slanineJambalaya po kreolsky Palacinky Možné náplne Ovocná panvicaPalacinky Bliny Ruské lievance Pancakes Americké lievanceRecept na približne Pancakes 300 g múky Počítajte s 1 hodinou na prípravuPage Page Page Page Page RC 301 520 920 Ref .025 04/11
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