Tefal PY580025, PY580028 Antilles bananas, Caramel apple, Buckwheat batter, Beer-based batter

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Antilles bananas

3 bananas sliced in rounds

Cooking time: 6 minutes

• the juice of 3 squeezed

In a mixing bowl, mix together the sliced bananas, orange juice, rum and

oranges • 80 gr raw sugar

30 gr of raw sugar, then let marinate during your meal.

• 1 knob of butter

In a mini-pan, melt one pat of butter with 1 tsp. of sugar, 1 Tbsp. of


marinade, and simmer to thicken. When it has begun to thicken, add


1/2 sliced banana and let the slices brown, turning frequently.


Variation : This recipe may also be prepared using pineapple and orange







Caramelized berries

300 gr of your choice of a mixture of red berries (raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, etc.) • 200 ml grape juice • 50 gr sugar

30 gr butter • lightly whipped cream • melted chocolate

Mix the berries, grape juice, butter and liqueur, then marinate during your meal. In a mini-pan, melt one pat of butter with 1 tsp. of sugar, 1 tsp. of sugar and 1 Tbsp. of marinade, then stir gently.

When the mixture begins to caramelize, add 1 – 2 Tbsp. of berries without their juice. Stir the berries well so that they are coated with the sugar mixture, then serve immediately.

Pour everything into your plate before coating with a bit of whipped cream or melted chocolate.




Caramel apple

• 1

1/2 apple (1/2 peeled apple

Cooking time: 14 minutes

per mini-pan)

1 tsp. sugar

Cut the apples into tiny cubes and brown in the mini-pans, then add the

• 1

Tbsp. water


sugar and water. Let them caramelize slowly.

The Crêpes


Cooking time: around 30 seconds per side.


Recipes for 6 people (40 – 60 crêpes):

The classic French batter


• 500 g sifted plain flour

In a bowl, mix 500 g of flour with 1 litre of milk, until the consistency is

1 litre of milk • 6 eggs • salt of a single cream. Add the 6 beaten eggs, 2 pinches of salt and 2 Tbsp.

• oil or butter

of oil or melted butter. Leave to rest for 1 to 2 hours.

Buckwheat batter

For savory crêpes, buckwheat flour may be used instead of normal flour.

Beer-based batter

For spongier crêpes, you may substitute 1/4 litre of beer for 1/4 litre of milk.

Water-based batter

For lighter crêpes, you may


substitute water for the milk.

If the batter is too thick after making the crêpes, add a small amount of


water and mix again.


Salty pancakes can be made with a more salty batter.





Image 43
Contents Wok Party Page Branchement et préchauffage AccessoiresInstallation Prévention des accidents domestiquesAprès utilisation CuissonRangement Viandes PoissonsŒufs Accompagnements Pomme caramélisée DessertsBananes antillaises Poêlée de fruits rougesBlinis Crêpes propositions de garnituresPancakes NB dit apparaat is geen speelgoed InstallatieHet voorkomen van ongelukken in huis Aansluiting en voorverwarmingNa gebruik BakkenOpbergen Vlees VisEieren Rijst BijgerechtenPannenkoeken Antilliaanse bananenRode vruchten Gecarameliseerde appelKaas Pannenkoeken garneersuggestiesVoorgerecht HoofdgerechtSicherheitshinweise Vorsorge gegen HaushaltsunfälleAnschluss und Vorheizen ZubehörZubereitung Fischfilet FischNach der Benutzung Denken Sie an den Schutz der UmweltEnten-Magret FleischKabeljau-Curry CurryhühnchenBeilagen EierFarben-Reis ReisgerichteKartoffeln mit Speck Kreolische JambalayaPfannkuchen Garnier-Vorschläge Rote Beeren-PfanneKaramellisierter Apfel PfannkuchenMehl 20 g Hefe Milch 1 EL geschmolzeneButter 1/2 TL Salz Für ca PfannkuchenCollegamento e preriscaldamento AccessoriInstallazione Prevenzione degli incidenti domesticiDopo l’uso CotturaCarne PesceUova al pomodoro UovaCarne tritata a sorpresa Suki-jaki manzo con carote e piselliDessert ContorniLe crêpes Suggerimenti per servire Frutti di bosco in padellaMele caramellate Le crêpesCottura 2,5 min. per lato Di farina 2 uovaDa prevedere 1 h prima Anslutning och förvärmning Förebyggande av olyckor i hemmetTillbehör beroende på modell MonteringVar rädd om miljön TillagningEfter användandet FörvaringKött FiskTillbehör ÄggEn panna full med röda bär DesserterRis i tre färger Bananer från VästindienPannkakor Förslag på tillbehörPrevention of accidents at home AccessoriesConnection and pre-heating After use CookingStorage Meats FishEggs Shrimp Creole jambalaya Side DishesProvençal-style Ceps Boletus mushrooms Potatoes with baconBeer-based batter Antilles bananasCaramel apple Buckwheat batterCheeses Suggestions for garnishesEntrées Starters Main DishesAccesorios Prevención de los accidentes domésticosConexión y precalentamiento Después de utilización CocciónCómo ordenar Camarones al caramelo PescadosCarnes Filete de pescado con champiñonesHuevos Patatas al tocino AcompañamientosTortilla de jamón queso Cepas a la ProvenzalManzana caramelizada PostresPlátanos antillanos Sartenada de frutas rojasLos Blinis Proposiciones de guarnicionesLos pancakes Ligação e pré-aquecimento Prevenção de acidentes domésticosAcessórios InstalaçãoApós utilização CozeduraPeixes Vitela Strogonov Caril de frangoMagret de pato Carne picada surpresaAcompanhamentos OvosOs crepes SobremesasTabuleiro de frutos vermelhos Maçã caramelizadaPanquecas Crepes Proposta de acompanhamentosPřipojení k síti a předehřátí Prevence úrazů v domácnostechPříslušenství InstalacePo použití PečeníUkládání Masa RybyMleté maso s překvapením Kachní prsíčkaSuki-jaki hovězí maso s mrkví a hráškem Přílohy VejceDezerty Bliny Ruské lívance Palačinky Možné náplněPancakes Americké lívance Pripojenie do elektrickej siete a predhriatie Ako predchádzať domácim nehodámPríslušenstvo InštaláciaUkladanie Doba vareniaRybie karí Podieľajme sa na ochrane životného prostrediaRybie filé na hubách Krevety s karamelomMleté mäso s prekvapením MäsáKurča na karí Kačacie prsičkáPrílohy VajciaJambalaya po kreolsky Zemiaky na slanineRyža troch farieb Palacinky Ovocná panvicaPalacinky Možné náplne Pancakes 300 g múky Počítajte s 1 hodinou na prípravu Bliny Ruské lievancePancakes Americké lievance Recept na približnePage Page Page Page Page RC 301 520 920 Ref .025 04/11
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