ICP-CC404 Installation Guide Contents
6.3.5 | Bell Test | 37 |
6.3.6 | Strobe Test | 37 |
6.3.7 | Turning Day Alarm On and Off | 38 |
6.3.8 | Fault Analysis Mode | 38 |
6.3.9 | Initiate a Modem Call | 38 |
6.3.10 | Reset Latching Outputs | 38 |
6.3.11 | Codepad Buzzer Tone Change | 38 |
6.3.12 | Send Test Report | 38 |
7.0 | Remote Arming by Telephone | 38 |
8.0 | Alarm Link Software | 39 |
8.1 | Remote Connect | 39 |
8.1.1 | Remote Connect with Customer Control | 39 |
8.1.2Remote Connect without Callback
Verification | 39 |
8.1.3Remote Connect with Callback Verification 39
8.1.4 | Direct Connect | 40 |
8.2 | Alarm Link Options | 40 |
9.0 | Domestic Dialing | 40 |
9.1 | Domestic Dialing Function | 40 |
9.2Setting Up and Programming Domestic
| Reporting | 41 |
10.0 | Dialer Reporting Formats | 42 |
10.1 | Transmission Formats | 42 |
10.1.1 | Contact ID Format | 42 |
10.1.2 | Point ID Codes | 43 |
10.1.3 | 4 + 2 Express Reporting Format | 43 |
10.1.4 | Basic Pager Reporting Format | 44 |
10.2 | Basic Pager Display Information | 45 |
11.0 | Dialer Information | 46 |
11.1Primary Telephone Number for Receiver 1
and Receiver 2 | 46 |
11.2Secondary Telephone Number for Receiver 1
and Receiver 2 | 47 |
11.3Handshake Tone for Receiver 1 and
Receiver 2 | 47 |
11.4Transmission Format for Receiver 1 and
Receiver 2 | 47 |
11.5Subscriber ID Number for Receiver 1 and
| Receiver 2 | 47 |
11.6 | Dialing Format | 48 |
11.7 | Telco Arming Sequence | 48 |
11.8 | Telco Disarming Sequence | 48 |
11.9 | Call Back Telephone Number | 49 |
11.10 | Ring Count | 49 |
11.11 | Telephone Line Fault Options | 49 |
12.0 | Dialer Options | 50 |
12.1 | Dialer Options 1 | 50 |
12.2 | Dialer Options 2 | 50 |
12.3 | Dialer Options 3 | 51 |
13.0 | Access Code | 51 |
13.1 | Installer Code | 51 |
13.2 | User Codes | 51 |
13.3 | User Code Priority | 52 |
14.0 | Zone Information | 53 |
14.1 | Day Alarm Information | 53 |
14.1.1 | Day Alarm Resetting | 53 |
14.1.2 | Day Alarm Latching | 53 |
14.1.3 | Day Alarm Operation | 53 |
14.2 | EOL Resistor Value | 53 |
14.3 | Zone Programming | 54 |
14.3.1 | Zone Types | 55 |
14.3.2 | Zone Pulse Count | 56 |
14.3.3 | Zone Pulse Count Time | 56 |
14.3.4 | Zone Options 1 | 57 |
14.3.5 | Keyswitch Zone Options | 57 |
14.3.6 | Zone Options 2 | 58 |
14.3.7 | Zone Report Code | 59 |
14.3.8 | Zone Dialer Options | 59 |
14.4 | Swinger Shutdown Count for Siren | 59 |
14.5 | Swinger Shutdown Count for Dialer | 59 |
15.0 | System Reporting Information | 60 |
15.1 | Zone Status – Bypass Reports | 60 |
15.2 | Zone Status – Trouble Reports | 60 |
15.3 | Zone Status – Sensor Watch Reports | 60 |
15.4 | Zone Status – Alarm Restore Code | 60 |
15.5 | Zone Status Reporting Options | 61 |
15.6 | Open/Close Reports | 61 |
15.7 | Open/Close Reporting Options | 61 |
15.8 | Codepad Duress Report | 61 |
15.9 | Codepad Panic Report | 61 |
15.10 | Codepad Fire Report | 61 |
15.11 | Codepad Medical Report | 62 |
15.12 | Codepad Reporting Options | 62 |
15.13System Status – AUX Power Supply Fail
Report | 62 |
15.14System Status – AUX Power Supply Fail
| Restore Report | 62 |
15.15 | System Status – AC Fail Report | 62 |
15.16 | System Status – AC Fail Restore Report | 62 |
15.17 | System Status – Low Battery Report | 62 |
15.18System Status – Low Battery Restore Report63
15.19 | System Status – Access Denied | 63 |
15.20 | System Status Reporting Options | 63 |
15.21 | Test Reporting Time | 63 |
15.22 | Test Reporting Dialer Options | 64 |
16.0 | Programmable Outputs | 64 |
16.1Redirecting Outputs to the Codepad Buzzer 64
16.2 | Output Event Types | 65 |
16.3 | Output Polarity | 68 |
16.4 | Output Timing | 70 |
16.5 | Pulsing Polarities | 70 |
4 | Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 12/08 |