Indication | Probable Cause | Recommended Action |
Network Activity |
Off | No link established. | Verify network cabling, and correct, as needed. |
Flashing | Transmit or receive activity present. | None |
Green/Off |
Steady Green | Link established. | None |
Network Status |
Off | Device not initialized. The module does not have an | Apply power to device, verify IP address, and correct, as |
| IP address. | needed. |
Flashing Green | No CIP connections present. Device has an IP | None |
| address, but no CIP connections are established. |
Solid Green | CIP connections present. Device online and has an | None |
| IP address, and CIP connections are established. |
Flashing Red | One or more CIP connections has | Check for I/O module failure and controller operation, and |
| correct, as needed. |
Solid Red | Duplicate IP address detected. | Verify IP address setting and correct, as needed. |
Flashing | The module is performing a | None |
Red/Green | during cycle power test). |
POINTBus Status |
Off | Device not powered - check module status | Apply power to device. |
| indicator. |
Flashing | LED cycle power test present. | None |
Red/Green |
Flashing Red | Recoverable fault occurred: |
| • At cycle power the number of expected | • Configure chassis size. |
| modules does not equal the number of |
| modules present |
| • A module is missing | • Check for missing module and reinstall as needed. |
| • Node fault (I/O connection timeout) | • Check for I/O module failure and correct as needed. |
| occurred. |
Solid Red | Unrecoverable fault occurred - the adapter is bus | 1. Cycle power to device. |
| off. | 2. If condition persists, replace device. |
Flashing Green | Firmware (NVS) update in progress. | None |
Solid Green | Adapter online with connections established | None |
| (normal operation, Run mode). |
System Power |
Off | Not active; field power is off or | 1. Verify power is on, and apply power if needed. |
| problem present. | 2. Verify backplane power not exceeded, and correct. |
| 3. Replace |
Green | System power is on; | None |
Field Power |
Off | Not active; field power is off. | Apply field power. |
Green | Power is on; 24V is present. | None |