1734 POINT I/O Module/RSLogix 5000 Controller Tag Reference | |
Program Fault
Programming Fault Error bit - If an incomplete, incorrect, or conflicting set of configuration parameters is sent to the module, the Program Fault bit will be asserted and an error code will be placed in the Programming Error Code word (assembly 6816). The module will not enter a normal operational state. Bit definitions (decimal) for the error codes are:
10An invalid assembly was chosen for poll consumption (0, 105, or 106 are valid).
9 The decimal point position is outside of the acceptable range.
8Counter 0 window ON & OFF values are equal and not zero OR Counter 0 window ON & OFF value is greater than Rollover.
7 A tie has been connected to an unprogrammed window.
6A configuration was selected that requires the scalar and none was programmed OR
Multiple scalars were selected.
5 The preset is out of range (Rollover).
4A rollover of zero was programmed through PWM was not selected OR
A rollover was programmed and PWM was selected OR Rollover is out of range (>0x01000000).
3A configuration requiring a time base was selected and no gate interval was set OR
Gate interval is out of range (>200) OR
Product of time base and gate interval is greater than 3 seconds.
2A time base was entered that is not a multiple of 10 OR Time base is out of range (>3000, or 3 seconds).
1ZF/BF/AF were selected and no filter was programmed OR Multiple filters were selected.
0 A reserved configuration/mode was programmed.