Breville BTM800XL Stainless ‘preheat’ alert sounds, At a lower temperature than, Screen, E02, E03

Models: BTM800XL Stainless BOV800XL

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The ‘preheat’ alert sounds at 75% of the target temperature.


This provides the fastest, combined preheating and


cooking time.


This is because when the ‘preheating’ alert sounds,


signaling the user to open the oven door and insert food,


there is dramatic temperature loss inside the oven. If the

The ‘preheat’ alert sounds

alert sounded at 100% of the target temperature, opening

the door would mean a lot of this waiting time is "wasted".

at a lower temperature than

We have calculated that by sounding the alert at 75% of

what is displayed on the LCD

the target temperature, followed by the oven door being

opened to place food inside the oven, that we still recover


to the target temperature up to 2 minutes faster. This is



why the temperature on the LCD screen does not match the


target temperature at the ‘preheat’ alert. In total, it takes the


oven approximately 8-10 minutes from start-up, including


opening the oven door when the ‘preheat’ alert sounds, to


reach the target temperature. To ensure the fastest heat up


time, the Breville oven uses the maximum allowable power


from the outlet (1500W for baking, 1800W for toasting).



The LCD screen

The LCD screen will display 'E01' when there is a non-

resettable issue with the appliance. Should this occur,

displays 'E01'

immediately remove the power cord from the wall outlet and


call the Breville Customer Service Center (1-866-BREVILLE).



The LCD screen displays

The LCD screen will display 'E02' when there is a non-

resettable issue with the appliance. Should this occur,


immediately remove the power cord from the wall outlet and


call the Breville Customer Service Center (1-866-BREVILLE).




The LCD screen will display 'E03' if the oven temperature


is above the set maximum limit. Remove the plug from the

The LCD screen displays

wall outlet, allow the oven to cool for 15 minutes, then plug


back in.



Call Breville Customer Service (1-866-BREVILLE) if the 'E03'


message continues.



The LCD screen displays

The LCD screen will display 'E04' if the room temperature is

below the set minimum. Unplug the oven and relocate to a


warmer area.




The LCD screen displays

The LCD screen will display 'E05' when there is a non-

resettable issue with the appliance. Should this occur,


immediately remove the power cord from the wall outlet and


call the Breville Customer Service Center (1-866-BREVILLE)




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Breville BTM800XL Stainless ‘preheat’ alert sounds, At a lower temperature than, What is displayed on the LCD, Screen, E02