Restoring your data | 137
Setup Guide
To restore your data from an internal backup
1Click Administration > Backup and restore > Restore from internal
2You can choose whether or not you will keep your current scan files if there
are none in the backup.
3If Network Discovery has been set up for e-mail, choose whether or not an
e-mail notification will be sent and to whose account.
4Click Restore.
Network Discovery will not respond for a short period. This is normal.
5You can check the restore log by clicking Administration > Backup and
restore > View restore log.
Restoring from an FTP site
If you have configured Network Discovery to back up an FTP site, you can use
this procedure to restore your data.
Important: It is your responsibility to ensure that the username has read/write
permission for the FTP directory.
To restore your data from an FTP site
1Click Administration > Backup and restore > Restore from FTP.
2You can choose whether or not you will keep your current scan files if there
are none in the backup.
3If Network Discovery has been set up for e-mail, choose whether or not an
e-mail notification will be sent and to whose account.
4Click Restore.
5When the restore is complete, you can check the restore log by clicking
Administration > Backup and restore > View restore log.