Network Discovery
Peregrine Systems Customer Support access 17
access options
Remote Access Server 28 telephone line 28 Virtual Private Network 28
power connecting 47
checking the management workstation 42 preparing the network 23 questionnaire 15
proxy server 27
questionnaire 15
RAS 28
Remote Access Server 28 requirements
management workstation resolution 43
restore 136
another appliance 138 FTP backup 137 internal backup 136 tape backup 138
review and change configuration 121 router discovery 96
listener configuration 31
screen resolution 43 security checklist 153 setting the date and time 85
setting the time zone 78 setup 12
give appliance its network information 56 setup questionnaire 13
setup, software 69
shut down Peregrine appliance
browser interface 145 configuration interface 59
SMTP Server, entering 84
traps 118 turn on
in network devices 24
in routers and switches 24 SNMP management
definition 16 software
installing 54
software components
software setup 69
software upgrades
management workstation synchronizing the date and time 86, 87 system contact, assign 76
system location, assign 76 system name, assign 76
tape drive 158 telephone line 28
connecting appliance 65 terminal emulation software 66 time and date
setting 85 synchronizing
continually 87 once 86
time zone, setting 78 Toolbar, main 75
banner 75
status window 75
166 Index