Network Discovery
Three rows of navigation hyperlinks appear at the bottom of the Home page (as well as at the bottom of the Report, Status, Administration, and Help windows).
Links to major features
First row of hyperlinks shows where you have been
Bottom rows are is
Toolbar buttons
The Network Availability graphs give you an idea of how your network is performing. In this example, you can see the appliance has been running for approximately 1.5 months.
The first row of hyperlinks (which sometimes ends in plain, unlinked text) shows you the path you have followed in the menus. These hyperlinks help you to visualize where you are in the menus, and help you to get back to where you started.
The second and third row of hyperlinks represents the first and second groups of buttons from the Toolbar (Health Panel, Network Map, Alarms Viewer, Events Browser, Service Analyzer, MIB Browser, Find, Home, Status, Reports, Administration, Download, and Help). Click any of these hyperlinks to navigate Network Discovery without using the Toolbar.