Chapter 4 Port Integration Module (S12XDP512PIMV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 181
XCLKS1I External clock selection input during RESET
ECLKX2 I Free-running clock output at Core Clock rate (ECLK x 2)
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
MODB1I MODB input during RESET
TAGHI I Instruction tagging low pin
Configurable for reduced input threshold
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
MODA1I MODA input during RESET
RE O Read enable signal
TAGLO I Instruction tagging low pin
Configurable for reduced input threshold
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
PE[4] ECLK O Free-running clock output at the Bus Clock rate or
programmable divided in normal modes
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
EROMCTL1I EROMON bit control input during RESET
LSTRB O Low strobe bar output
LDS O Lower data strobe
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
R/W O Read/write output for external bus
WE O Write enable signal
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
PE[1] IRQ I Maskable level- or falling edge-sensitive interrupt input
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
PE[0] XIRQ I Non-maskable level-sensitive interrupt input
GPIO I/O General-purpose I/O
Table 4-1. Pin Functions and Priorities (Sheet 2 of 7)
Port Pin Name Pin Function
and Priority I/O Description Pin Function
after Reset