Chapter 13 Inter-Integrated Circuit (MC9S12XDP512) Block Description
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
606 Freescale Semiconductor
Addressed as a Slave Bit — When its own specific address (I-bus address register) is matched with the calling
address, this bit is set.The CPU is interrupted provided the IBIE is set.Then the CPU needs to check the SRW
bit and set its Tx/Rx mode accordingly.Writing to the I-bus control register clears this bit.
0 Not addressed
1 Addressed as a slave
Bus Busy Bit
0 This bit indicates the status of the bus. When a START signal is detected, the IBB is set. If a STOP signal is
detected, IBB is cleared and the bus enters idle state.
1 Bus is busy
Arbitration Lost — The arbitration lost bit (IBAL) is set by hardware when the arbitration procedure is lost.
Arbitration is lost in the following circumstances:
1. SDA sampled low when the master drives a high during an address or data transmit cycle.
2. SDA sampled low when the master drives a high during the acknowledge bit of a data receive cycle.
3. A start cycle is attempted when the bus is busy.
4. A repeated start cycle is requested in slave mode.
5. A stop condition is detected when the master did not request it.
This bit must be cleared by software, by writing a one to it. A write of 0 has no effect on this bit.
Reserved — Bit 3 of IBSR is reserved for future use. A read operation on this bit will return 0.
Slave Read/Write — When IAAS is set this bit indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address
sent from the master
This bit is only valid when the I-bus is in slave mode, a complete address transfer has occurred with an address
match and no other transfers have been initiated.
Checking this bit, the CPU can select slave transmit/receive mode according to the command of the master.
0 Slave receive, master writing to slave
1 Slave transmit, master reading from slave
I-Bus Interrupt — The IBIF bit is set when one of the following conditions occurs:
— Arbitration lost (IBAL bit set)
— Byte transfer complete (TCF bit set)
— Addressed as slave (IAAS bit set)
It will cause a processor interrupt request if the IBIE bit is set. This bit must be cleared by software, writing a one
to it. A write of 0 has no effect on this bit.
Received Acknowledge — The value of SDA during the acknowledge bit of a bus cycle. If the received
acknowledge bit (RXAK) is low, it indicates an acknowledge signal has been received after the completion of 8
bits data transmission on the bus. If RXAK is high, it means no acknowledge signal is detected at the 9th clock.
0 Acknowledge received
1 No acknowledge received
Table 13-8. IBSR Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description