Chapter 5 Clocks and Reset Generator (S12CRGV6)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 289 CRG COP Timer Arm/Reset Register (ARMCOP)
This register is used to restart the COP time-out period.
Read: Always reads 0x_00
Write: Anytime
When the COP is disabled (CR[2:0] = “000”) writing to this register has no effect.
When the COP is enabled by setting CR[2:0] nonzero, the following applies:
Writing any value other than 0x_55 or 0x_AA causes a COP reset. To restart the COP time-out
period you must write 0x_55 followed by a write of 0x_AA. Other instructions may be executed
between these writes but the sequence (0x_55, 0x_AA) must be completed prior to COP end of
time-out period to avoid a COP reset. Sequences of 0x_55 writes or sequences of 0x_AA writes
are allowed. When the WCOP bit is set, 0x_55 and 0x_AA writes must be done in the last 25% of
the selected time-out period; writing any value in the first 75% of the selected period will cause a
COP reset.
Module Base +0x_0B
W Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Reset 00000000
Figure 5-15. ARMCOP Register Diagram