MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 673
Chapter 15Serial Communication Interface (S12MC9S12XDP512V5)

15.1 Introduction

This block guide provides an overview of the serial communication interface (SCI) module.
The SCI allows asynchronous serial communications with peripheral devices and other CPUs.

15.1.1 Features

The SCI includes these distinctive features:
Full-duplex or single-wire operation
Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format
Selectable IrDA 1.4 return-to-zero-inverted (RZI) format with programmable pulse widths
13-bit baud rate selection
Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit data format
Separately enabled transmitter and receiver
Programmable polarity for transmitter and receiver
Programmable transmitter output parity
Two receiver wakeup methods:
Idle line wakeup
Address mark wakeup
Interrupt-driven operation with eight flags:
Transmitter empty
Transmission complete
Receiver full
Idle receiver input
Receiver overrun
Noise error
Framing error
Parity error
Receive wakeup on active edge
Transmit collision detect supporting LIN
Break Detect supporting LIN
Receiver framing error detection