Chapter 9 XGATE (S12XGATEV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 407
RS1 + RS2 + CRD
Adds the content of register RS1, the content of register RS2 and the value of the Carry bit using binary
addition and stores the result in the destination register RD. The Zero Flag is also carried forward from the
previous operation allowing 32 and more bit additions.
ADC R6,R2,R2
ADC R7,R3,R3 ; R7:R6 = R5:R4 + R3:R2
BCC ; conditional branch on 32 bit addition
CCR Effects
Code and CPU Cycles
ADC Add with Carry ADC
N: Set if bit 15 of the result is set; cleared otherwise.
Z: Set if the result is $0000 and Z was set before this operation; cleared otherwise.
V: Set if a two´s complement overflow resulted from the operation; cleared otherwise.
RS1[15] & RS2[15] & RD[15]new | RS1[15] & RS2[15] & RD[15]new
C: Set if there is a carry from bit 15 of the result; cleared otherwise.
RS1[15] & RS2[15] | RS1[15] & RD[15]new | RS2[15] & RD[15]new
Source Form Address
Mode Machine Code Cycles
ADC RD, RS1, RS2 TRI 0 0 0 1 1 RD RS1 RS2 1 1 P