Chapter 20 Debug (S12XDBGV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 823 Information Byte OrganizationThe format of the control information byte for both CPU and XGATE modules is dependent upon theactive trace mode and tracing source as described below. In normal mode or loop1 mode, tracing ofXGATE activity XINF is used to store control information. In normal mode or loop1 mode, tracing of CPUactivity CINF is used to store control information. In detail mode, CXINF contains the control information.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Figure 20-24. XGATE Information Byte XINF

Table 20-40. XINF Field Descriptions

Field Description
Source Destination Indicator — This bit indicates if the corresponding stored address is a source or
destination address. This is only used in normal and loop1 mode tracing.
0 Source Address
1 Destination Address
Data Invalid Indicator — This bit indicates if the trace buffer entry is invalid. It is only used when tracing from
both sources in normal and loop1 mode, to indicate that the XGATE trace buffer entry is valid.
0 Trace buffer entry is invalid
1 Trace buffer entry is valid
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Figure 20-25. CPU Information Byte CINF

Table 20-41. CINF Field Descriptions

Field Description
Source Destination Indicator — This bit indicates if the corresponding stored address is a source or
destination address. This is only used in normal and loop1 mode tracing.
0 Source Address
1 Destination Address
Data Invalid Indicator — This bit indicates if the trace buffer entry is invalid. It is only used when tracing from
both sources in normal and loop1 mode, to indicate that the CPU trace buffer entry is valid.
0 Trace buffer entry is invalid
1 Trace buffer entry is valid