Chapter 3 4 Kbyte EEPROM Module (S12XEETX4KV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
Freescale Semiconductor 147
The EEPROM module also contains a set of 12 control and status registers located between EEPROMmodule base + 0x0000 and 0x000B. A summary of the EEPROM module registers is given in Table 3-2while their accessibility is detailed in Section 3.3.2, “Register Descriptions”.

Table 3-2. EEPROM Register Map

Base + Register Name Normal Mode
0x0000 EEPROM Clock Divider Register (ECLKDIV) R/W
0x0001 RESERVED11
1Intended for factory test purposes only.
0x0002 RESERVED21R
0x0003 EEPROM Configuration Register (ECNFG) R/W
0x0004 EEPROM Protection Register (EPROT) R/W
0x0005 EEPROM Status Register (ESTAT) R/W
0x0006 EEPROM Command Register (ECMD) R/W
0x0007 RESERVED31R
0x0008 EEPROM High Address Register (EADDRHI)1R
0x0009 EEPROM Low Address Register (EADDRLO)1R
0x000A EEPROM High Data Register (EDATAHI)1R
0x000B EEPROM Low Data Register (EDATALO)1R