Appendix A Electrical Characteristics
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
920 Freescale Semiconductor
VSS1 and VSS2 are internally connected by metal.
VDDA, VDDX, VDDR as well as VSSA, VSSX, VSSR are connected by anti-parallel diodes for ESD
In the following context VDD35 is used for either VDDA,V
DDR, and VDDX;
VSS35 is used for either VSSA, VSSR and VSSX unless otherwise noted.
IDD35 denotes the sum of the currents flowing into the VDDA, VDDX and
VDDR pins.
VDD is used for VDD1,V
SS is used for VSS1,V
SS2 and
IDD is used for the sum of the currents flowing into VDD1 and VDD2.
A.1.3 Pins
There are four groups of functional pins.

A.1.3.1 I/O Pins

Those I/O pins have a nominal level in the range of 3.15 V to 5.5 V. This class of pins is comprised of all
port I/O pins, the analog inputs, BKGD and the RESET pins.The internal structure of all those pins is
identical; however, some of the functionality may be disabled. For example, for the analog inputs the
output drivers, pull-up and pull-down resistors are disabled permanently.

A.1.3.2 Analog Reference

This group is made up by the VRH and VRL pins.

A.1.3.3 Oscillator

The pins XFC, EXTAL, XTAL dedicated to the oscillator have a nominal 2.5 V level. They are supplied

A.1.3.4 TEST

This pin is used for production testing only.
A.1.3.5 VREGEN
This pin is used to enable the on-chip voltage regulator.
A.1.4 Current Injection
Power supply must maintain regulation within operating VDD35 or VDD range during instantaneous and
operating maximum current conditions. If positive injection current (Vin > VDD35) is greater than IDD35,