HC08 Full Chip Simulation
Configuration Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Where <n> is the value to be entered into the next location in the input buffer.
>CANIN $55
Set the next input CAN value to $55
Pull up the data window with all the input packets.

CANOUT Command

The CANOUT command displays the output of the buffer from the CANOUT. A window
is opened that shows all the data that the CAN has shifted out. An arrow is used to point to
the last output value transmitted. The maximum number of output packets that the buffer
holds is 256 bytes.
View data from the output buffer for CAN simulation

FCS Programmable Timer Interrupt

In FCS Mode, this module simulates all functionality of the Programmable Timer
Interrupt (PIT) module, including:
Programmable PIT clock input
Free running or modulo up count operation
Flag polling
Interrupt enabled mode of operation
Once the PIT Status and Control register properly configures the operation of the module,
the PIT Counter starts incrementing. If you enable modulo up count operation, you can
observe the PIT overflow flag in the PIT Status and Control register in the Memory