6/99 9782 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller - Operator’s Manual iii
About This Document
This manual contains instructions for installation and operation of the 9782 Series
Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller.
Revision Notes
The following list provides notes concerning all revisions of this document.
Rev. ID Date Notes
0 6/98 This manual accompanies the initial release of the 9782 Series
Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller.
1 7/98 Changes were made to Section 9 to reflect changes in the software.
2 12/98 Included dimension drawings for backlit and non-backlit option (Sec. 3)
3 6/99 Edits were made to standardize terminology and to add the latest MSG.
Honeywell Documents
The following list identifies all Honeywell documents that may be sources of reference for the material
discussed in this publication.
Document Title ID # Binder Title Binder ID #
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Organization Telephone Address
Honeywell Technical Assistance Center 1-800-423-9883
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