Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller
I/O setup: discrete control enabled
I/O setup: discrete control type for each available relay
CHOICES or RANGE (Default is underlined)
O/F [on/off]
I/O setup: relay activation on alarm/control
I/O setup: display unit of measure (conductivity only)
I/O setup: relay alarm assignments
standard range models with cell constant ≤ 1: uS (microSiemens per centimeter)
uSm (microSiemens per meter)
standard range models with cell constant of 10,25,or 50: uS (microSiemens per centimeter) only
wide range models: automatially change from uS to mS depending on cell constant; no selection available.
ALM1 [alarm 1] default for Relay 1 ALM2 [alarm 2] default for Relay 2 ALM3 [alarm 3] default for Relay 3 ALM4 [alarm 4] default for Relay 4 A1/D [alarm 1 or diagnostic] A2/D [alarm 2 or diagnostic] A3/D [alarm 3 or diagnostic] A4/D [alarm 4 or diagnostic] A1/2 [alarm 1 or 2]
A3/4 [alarm 3 or 4]
12/D [alarm 1 or 2 or diagnostic] AA/D [any alarm or diagnostic]
234D [alarm 2 or 3 or 4 or diagnostic] RNGD [range switch or diagnostic]
AA[any alarm] RNGS [range switch]
I/O setup: analog output basis [unless DE is enabled]
configuration: retransmission output scaling
C1 [Cell 1 value]
C2 [Cell 2 value]
TMP1 [temperature value from Cell 1]
TMP2 [temperature value from Cell 2]
RATO [computed ratio: Cell2 ]
| (1 − | Cell1 | )x100 | |||
%REJ [computed percent rejection: |
| Cell2 | ] | ||
| Cell1 | x100 |
| ||
| |||
%PSG [computed percent passage: Cell2 | ] |
DIFF [computed difference: Cell1 − Cell2 ]
CO2 [computed parts per million carbon dioxide - standard range analyzers only]
LINFIXEDRNG [linear fixed range] always selected for computed value
LINAUTORNG [linear auto range]
9782 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller - Operator’s Manual | 7/99 |