Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller
6.4.3 Wiring a Device to the Relay Indicating Output Range Status
If the automatic output range change feature is selected during I/O setup, one relay is dedicated to this function. The relay can be used to control an indicator, or to switch the output to a second channel of a multipoint recorder when the range change occurs (see Figure
This feature closes contacts
The range change capability illustrated in Figure
Point 1/Terminals 1 - low range
Point 2/Terminals 2 - high range
Resistors “R” across the recorder inputs are needed to ensure that the unused point will remain at the low end of scale. The resistance value can be anything from 500 ohms to 1 Mohm.
(simulated condenser leak)
Range 1 | 0 | .2 | .4 | .6 | .8 | 1.0 |
Range 2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
a/n 23178
Figure 6-2 Sample Multipoint Recorder Chart Illustrating Auto Output Range
Change for Steam Condensate Monitoring
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