HP CM2320 manual Problems receiving faxes, Manual

Models: CM2320

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Problems receiving faxes

Use the table in this section to solve problems that might occur when receiving faxes.

NOTE: Use the fax cord that came with the product in order to ensure that the product functions correctly.







The product cannot receive faxes from

The extension-telephone setting might

Change the extension-telephone setting.

an extension telephone.

be disabled.






The fax cord might not be securely

Verify that the fax cord is securely



connected between the telephone jack



and the product (or another device that is



connected to the product). Wait until you



hear fax tones, then press 1-2-3 in



sequence, wait for three seconds and



hang up.





The product dialing mode might be

Verify that the product dialing mode is set


incorrectly set, or the extension phone

to Tone. Verify that the extension phone


might be incorrectly set.

is set up for tone dialing as well.




The product is not answering incoming

The answer mode might be set to

If the answer mode is set to Manual, the

fax calls.


product does not answer calls. Start the



fax-receiving process manually.





The rings-to-answer setting might not be

Check the rings-to-answer setting to


set correctly.

verify that it is set properly.





The answer-ring pattern feature might be

Check the answer-ring pattern feature to


turned on, but you do not have the

verify that it is set properly.


service, or you do have the service and



the feature is not set correctly.


The fax cord might not be correctly connected, or the fax cord is not working.

Perform a fax test to verify that the phone line works and is plugged into the correct port (see Perform a fax test

on page 152).


The product might not be able to detect

Re-record the answering machine


incoming fax tones because the

message, leaving at least two seconds of


answering machine is playing a voice

silence at the beginning of the message.








Too many devices might be connected to

Do not attach more than three devices to


the telephone line.

the line. Remove the last device that was



connected and determine whether the



product works. If not, continue removing



devices one at a time and retry after



removing each one.





The telephone line might not be working.

Do one of the following:



Increase the volume on the product,



and then press Start Fax on the



control panel. If a dial tone exists,



the telephone line is working.



Perform a fax test to verify that the



phone line works and is plugged



into the correct port (see Perform a



fax test on page 152).





Solve fax problems 155

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HP CM2320 manual Problems receiving faxes, Manual