HP CM2320 Scan problems, Solve scanned-image problems, Problem Cause, Resolution and color on

Models: CM2320

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Scan problems

Solve scanned-image problems




The scanned image is of poor quality.

The original might be a second-generation photo or picture.

To eliminate the patterns, try reducing the size of the image after scanning.

Print the scanned image to see if the quality is better.

Verify that the resolution settings are



correct for the type of scan job that you



are performing. See Scanner



resolution and color on page 107.



For best results, use the flatbed



scanner for scanning rather than the



automatic document feeder (ADF).





The image that appears on the screen might

Try adjusting your computer monitor


not be an accurate representation of the

settings to use more colors (or levels of


quality of the scan.

gray). Typically, you make this



adjustment by opening Display in



Windows Control Panel.



Try adjusting the resolution settings in



the scanner software. See Scanner



resolution and color on page 107.





The original might have been loaded

Use the media guides when you load the



originals into the ADF. See Load paper and



print media on page 59.





The scanner glass might be dirty.

Clean the scanner glass. See Clean the



scanner glass on page 195.





The graphics settings might not be suitable

Try changing the graphics settings. See


for the type of scan job that you are

Scanner resolution and color on page 107.







232 Chapter 15 Problem solve


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HP CM2320 manual Scan problems, Solve scanned-image problems, Problem Cause, Resolution and color on