Table 18 prmanalyze options/parameters (continued)

Option/parameter Description

-t {summary

Specifies the report type. Valid report types are:

conflict hourly

summary (default)

Provides a high-level view of resource use and is a

daily weekly


good starting point when creating a new PRM






See also the -1option.

form:[LINEBREAK]-t {s


Provides a detailed view of resource use and is good

c h d w m}



for fine-tuning a PRM configuration.



This report requires a resource_density that is



set using the prmanalyze -doption or defaults to



a value specified in the -ddescription.



Whenever resource use exceeds the



resource_density, a “conflict” occurs. Each



conflict is reported separately, with its start time, stop



time, peak consumption, and a list of the processes



(grouped by sort type) that contributed to the conflict.



This report is generated using averages and assumes



that resource consumption rates remain relatively



constant over the life of the process.



Granularity of the conflict report is to the minute.



Divides the accounting files into one-hour slices. This



report can help you spot common time-based usage



patterns where you might use PRM to prevent



contention. Partial hours at the end of the accounting



files are not reported.


daily, weekly, monthly

These reports provide higher-level views of the same



data given in the hourly report. These reports can



help you determine peaks, overall trends, and usage






The weekly and monthly reports are most commonly



used for resource planning and billing purposes.


Each report type can be abbreviated using its first letter.




Requests that available accounting information for all currently running processes be


added to the report.



This option allows you to get data on server applications that run indefinitely and


consequently are not tracked in the accounting files.




Removes all values that are less than 1% of the total.


This option can be used with any report, but is most often used when generating a


summary report (-t summary). It makes the report shorter and easier to read.


This option is most useful when sorting by command (-s command) or when determining


the biggest resource consumers.



When using this option, values in the total column may not sum to 100%.




Generates reports using the exponential format (x.yE+p, which equates to x.y times





This option is most useful when generating a monthly report (-t monthly) for disk or


memory, and the total values or peak values are in the terabyte range.

104 Command reference