4 Setting up PRM
This chapter explains how to set up PRM. It covers the following topics:
•“Installing PRM ” (page 45)
•“Setting PRM to start automatically at reboot ” (page 45)
Installing PRM
PRM is installed using the Software Distribution (SD) utilities. Installation of PRM typically requires a kernel build and a reboot of the system. For more specific information, see the release notes, which are available in the /opt/prm/newconfig/RelNotes/ directory. See the release notes on http://docs.hp.com for the most
PRM is installed at /opt/prm/.
Setting PRM to start automatically at reboot
After rebooting your system, PRM is unconfigured and disabled if you have not previously configured the PRM startup script.
To preserve your configuration across reboots, modify the variables in the PRM startup script /etc/rc.config.d/prm to automatically configure PRM on reboot. This startup script configures PRM using the file you specify in /etc/rc.config.d/prm. If you do not specify a file, PRM uses an internal copy of the previous configuration file (either /var/tmp/PRM.prmconf or /var/tmp/PRM.prmconf.old if PRM.prmconf is not present).
For information, see the file /etc/rc.config.d/prm or “Protecting the PRM configuration from reboots” (page 98).
Installing PRM 45