checking configuration file syntax, 51 differences between -i and -k, 80 error messages, 131

errors in the configuration file, 79

including full hierarchies in output with -h, 107 introduction, 12

loading a configuration file, 79 syntax, 106

unlocking a configuration file lock, 107 validating your configuration, 79, 106

prminitconfig introduction, 12 syntax, 108


error messages, 138

including full hierarchies in output with -h, 109 introduction, 12

syntax, 109 prmloadconf

creating a new configuration file, 51, 53 error messages, 140

introduction, 12 syntax, 110

updating the configuration file, 53, 81 prmmonitor

error messages, 130 fine-tuning your configuration, 83

including full hierarchies in output with -h, 111 introduction, 12

syntax, 110 prmmove

error messages, 134 example, 68 introduction, 12

preventing process moves by the application manager with -g, 69

syntax, 111 prmrecover

error messages, 140 introduction, 12 syntax, 112


error messages, 136 example, 70 introduction, 13

starting an application in a user-specified group, 70 starting an application in its assigned group, 70 starting an application under PRM, 69

syntax, 112 prmsmhconfig

introduction, 13 syntax, 113


confirming processes are in the correct groups, 47, 50, 52

example, 68 support for PRM, 116

scomp2prm introduction, 13

syntax, 114 srpgen

introduction, 13 syntax, 114

commands for PRM, 12 compartment records

adding with a text editor, 76 modifying with a text editor, 76 removing with a text editor, 76, 78 specifying compartment records, 75 syntax, 75

compartments (overview), 126 configuration

displaying current configuration information, 106 enabling, 80

fine-tuning, 83 loading, 79

loading with prmconfig, 80

lock (unlocking with prmconfig -u), 107 tips, 53

configuration file adding groups, 54 creating, 46, 49, 51 defined, 145 errors, 79

lock (unlocking with prmconfig -u), 107 memory records, 59

modifying groups, 54 overview, 52 syntax checking, 79

unlocking with prmconfig -u, 107 configuring

applications, 65

compartment resource allocation, 75 CPU resource use, 54

memory use, 59 overview, 52 prmconfig syntax, 106 quick start using SIM, 49 quick start using SMH, 46

quick start using the command-line interface, 51 Unix group resource allocation, 77

controlling applications, 65 CPU resources, 54 memory, 59


cap, defined, 145 capping

prmconfig -M {CPUCAPONCPUCAPOFF}, 108 showing availability of per-group capping with

prmavail -f, 105

specifying through the max value (per-group capping), 56

specifying through the shares value, 56 with prmconfig, 58


specifying CPU resource management, 54 manager


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Image 149
HP Process Resource Manager (PRM) manual Syntax, 111 prmrecover