Figure 8 Locked memory distribution
Example: memory management
This example shows how the PRM memory manager prm2d manages the competing memory demands of three PRM groups as system memory utilization approaches 100%.
Figure 9 Memory management
At Time A:
•There is plenty of memory available on the system for the processes that are running.
•Group1 is using its share, and Group2 is using slightly more than its share, borrowing excess from Group3.
•Group3 is using much less than its share.
At Time B:
•System memory use approaches 100%.
•Group1 is borrowing excess memory from Group3.
•Group2 processes reach the group’s 30% memory cap. Consequently, Group2’s processes are forced to page, causing a performance hit.
Between Time B and Time C, Group3’s demands continue to increase.
30 Understanding how PRM manages resources