6 Using PRM with HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM)
This chapter discusses how you can use PRM with HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM), which provides a single point of administration for multiple
•Monitor PRM Groups
•Configure PRM Groups
•Display Resource Usage
•List Resource Availability
What PRM tasks are available through SIM?
The following sections describe the PRM tasks available through SIM.
Monitor PRM Groups
Enables you to monitor PRM groups on the specified target nodes.
Configure PRM Groups
Enables you to create PRM groups on the specified target nodes.
Display Resource Usage
Executes the prmlist command on the specified target nodes. Command output as well as error messages produced by prmlist are displayed in the SIM GUI.
For this task to display meaningful results, a valid configuration file must be loaded on the target systems.
List Resource Availability
Executes the prmavail
This tool does not require a valid configuration on the target systems in order to produce meaningful results.
Configuring user authorizations
You must be authorized in HP SIM to run the PRM tools. To configure user authorizations, you must be logged into HP SIM as a user with Full Configuration Rights. Refer to mxuser(1M) for information about viewing and setting configuration rights. Choose
PRM All Tools | Authorize this toolbox on managed systems to allow users to monitor and |
| configure the PRM groups on those systems. Authorize on the CMS only if |
| the CMS will also be a managed system. |
PRM Monitor | Authorize this toolbox on managed systems to allow users to monitor the |
| PRM groups. Authorize on the CMS only if the CMS will also be a managed |
| system. |
48 Using PRM with HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM)