Adding/modifying shared memory allocations | 62 |
Removing private memory shares | 63 |
Removing shared memory allocations | 63 |
Isolating private memory for a group isolating memory using a text editor | 64 |
Controlling applications | 65 |
Duplicate application records | 65 |
Missing applications are ignored | 65 |
Application record syntax | 65 |
Adding/modifying an application’s group assignment | 67 |
Example: Grouping an application by its alternate names and functions | 68 |
Example: Assigning a running application to another group | 68 |
Removing an application’s group assignment | 68 |
Launching an application under PRM | 69 |
Launching an application in its assigned group | 70 |
Launching an application in a | 70 |
Launching a script under PRM | 70 |
Launching a Java program under PRM | 71 |
Specifying PRM users | 71 |
User record syntax | 71 |
Adding/modifying a user’s group assignment | 73 |
Example: Changing the initial group of a user | 74 |
Removing a user’s group assignment | 74 |
Assigning secure compartments to PRM groups | 75 |
Compartment record syntax | 75 |
Adding/modifying a compartment’s group assignment | 76 |
Removing a compartment’s group assignment | 76 |
Assigning Unix groups to PRM groupsassigning Unix group to PRM groupsconfiguring Unix group | |
resource allocationUnix group recordsspecifying Unix recordsrecordsUnix groupspecifying | 77 |
Unix group record syntax | 77 |
Adding/modifying a Unix group’s PRM group assignment | 77 |
Removing a Unix group’s PRM group assignment | 78 |
Checking the configuration file | 79 |
Loading the PRM configuration | 79 |
Loading the PRM configuration with prmconfig | 80 |
Enabling resource managers | 80 |
Enabling resource managers with prmconfig | 81 |
Updating the configuration | 81 |
8 | 83 |
Using prmanalyze to analyze your configuration | 83 |
Example: Locating system bottlenecks | 84 |
Example: | 85 |
Example: Checking for patterns and configuration accuracy | 85 |
Using GlancePlus to analyze your configuration | 86 |
Analyzing memory use | 87 |
9 Administering PRM | 89 |
Moving processes between PRM groups | 89 |
Displaying application filename matches | 89 |
Displaying netgroup expansions | 90 |
Displaying accessible PRM groups | 91 |
Displaying state and configuration information | 91 |
Displaying application and configuration information | 92 |
Contents 5