Checking the configuration file
Use prmconfig
Validation checks for:
•Duplicate group names
•Duplicate user names
•Undefined groups in user access lists
•Mismatches between the users listed in the configuration file and the logins in the password files accessible by the C function getpwnam
The checks are made when you save or load a configuration file.
Warnings reported in the check may indicate an invalid configuration. These warnings do not prevent you from loading the configuration and enabling PRM. For example, you may not specify all users in the PRM configuration file and mismatches may exist, but the file is still valid. Users not specified in the PRM configuration file use the user default group OTHERS (PRMID 1) as their initial group, and they have no alternate groups.
Loading the PRM configuration
Once you plan your configuration, install PRM, and create your custom configuration file, you are ready to load your configuration.
Neither the prmconfig options for loading a configuration nor the GUI equivalents start PRM management of resources; they only load your specific configuration. All existing and newly spawned processes are stamped with their PRM group identifiers. However, standard
When you load a configuration with prmconfig
When the prmconfig
If a PRM configuration is not already loaded, using either prmconfig
If a PRM configuration is already loaded and some processes have been moved to alternate groups, the two types of configuration loads have different results, as shown in Table 14.
Configuring PRM 79