/usr/bin/database::::order_process,db_orders,order_report* /opt/perl/bin/perl::::scripts,report_formatter.pl /usr/bin/mail::::mailserver

The example shows application records for:

Processes renamed db_inventory and db_payroll by the executable /usr/bin/database and assigned to the group business_apps.

The process renamed db_orders by the executable /usr/bin/database and assigned to the group order_process.

The perl script report_formatter.pl, which is assigned to the group scripts.

The application /usr/bin/mail, which is assigned to the group mailserver.

Adding/modifying an application’s group assignment

To add or modify an application’s PRM group assignment, follow these steps:

1.Open the desired configuration file in a text editor.

2.Using the syntax shown below:


and explained in the section “Application record syntax” (page 65), add or modify an application record as follows:

a.Specify the full pathname of the application.

b.Specify the group where the application should run.

c.Optionally, add or modify alternate names for the application.

3.Save the file and exit your editor.

4.Load the configuration using one of the following commands:

To initialize, moving user processes to the owners’ initial groups and moving applications to their assigned groups, use the command:

#prmconfig -i [-fconfigfile] {-s -c}

To keep the existing assignments of users, processes, and groups, use the command:

#prmconfig -k [-fconfigfile] {-s -c}

Use the -fconfigfile option to specify a file other than the default /etc/prmconf. The -soption displays warnings regarding the configuration file. (The -coption displays a subset of the -swarnings.)

If you change an application’s group, using prmconfig -iresets all instances of the application and its child processes to run in the newly assigned group.

With prmconfig -k, typically all of the application’s currently running processes continue to execute in their current groups until:

A prmmove is executed

The application is restarted

The application manager moves any processes that are not in their assigned groups However, prmconfig -kdoes move a currently running application if:

It is running in the system group (PRM_SYS) and that is not its assigned group

The group it is running in is deleted in the new configuration For more information on these options, see Table 14 (page 80).

Configuring PRM 67