407 Message | Could not move process %d to group %s |
Cause | Internal system failure. |
Action | Ensure the PRM group and PID still exist. |
408Message Could not move process group %d to group %s:
| Cause | Internal system failure. |
| Action | Ensure the PRM group and PID still exist. |
409 | Message | User %s does not have permission to move process %d. |
| Cause | User %s is not superuser and does not own this process. A nonroot user must |
| own all processes to be moved and have access to the target group. |
| Action | Ensure you have the correct PID. Log in as superuser and try again. |
411 | Message | User %s does not have permission to move user %s. |
| Cause | User %s is not superuser and does not own the processes of user %s. A nonroot |
| user must own all processes to be moved and have access to the target group. |
| Action | Log in as superuser and try again. |
412 | Message | User %s does not have permission to use group %s. |
| Cause | User %s is not superuser and does not have access to group %s. A nonroot |
| user must own all processes to be moved and have access to the target group. |
| Action | Verify that user has access to the desired group by executing the prmmove |
| command without any options. If user does not have access, choose an alternate |
group or request access to the group. Otherwise, log in as superuser and try again.
413Message Could not move user %s to group %s:
| Cause | Internal system failure. |
| Action | Contact system support staff. |
417 | Message | Could not find group %s in configuration file. |
| Cause | Cannot find PRM group/CPU record for this group in internal configuration |
| file. Cause may be a misspelling of the PRM group’s name on the prmmove |
| command line or a corrupt PRM internal configuration file |
| (/var/tmp/PRM.prmconf). |
| Action | Verify the spelling of the PRM group name on the prmmove command line. If |
| that is correct, verify that /etc/prmconf or the specified file has the correct |
| information in it (PRM group/CPU record for desired target group). Then |
| reconfigure PRM using prmconfig |
| file. |
418 | Message | Please specify %s. |
| Cause | The command line is missing arguments for |
| Action | |
| process group ID, or user login. |
419 | Message | %s requires users to be specified by login names. |
| Cause | Cannot use user ID number (UID) as argument to |
| is required argument for |
| Action | |
420 | Message | %s requires that PRM be configured. |
| Cause | PRM is not configured. |
prmmove error messages 135