Setting the memory manager’s polling interval | 92 |
Setting the interval with prmconfig | 92 |
Setting the application manager’s polling interval | 92 |
Setting the interval with prmconfig | 92 |
Disabling PRM | 93 |
Disabling PRM with prmconfig | 93 |
Resetting PRM | 93 |
Resetting PRM with prmconfig | 93 |
Monitoring PRM groups | 93 |
Logging PRM memory messages | 94 |
Controlling memory logging with prmconfig | 94 |
Logging PRM application messages | 94 |
Controlling application logging with prmconfig | 94 |
Displaying groups’ allocated and used resources | 95 |
Displaying user information | 95 |
Displaying available memory to determine number of shares | 95 |
Displaying number of cores to determine number of shares | 96 |
Displaying past process information | 96 |
Displaying current process information | 96 |
Monitoring PRM with GlancePlus | 97 |
Monitoring PRM with OpenView Performance Agent (OVPA) / OpenView Performance Manager |
(OVPM) | 97 |
Automating PRM administration with scripts | 98 |
Protecting the PRM configuration from reboots | 98 |
Reconstructing a configuration file | 99 |
Special case of interest: Client/server connections | 99 |
Online cell operations | 100 |
Backing up PRM files | 100 |
A Command reference | 101 |
prmagt prmagt commandsyntaxcommands prmagtsyntax | 101 |
prmanalyze | 102 |
prmavail displaying available memory with prmavail MEMmemorydisplaying available memory with | |
prmavailprmavail commandsyntaxcommands prmavailsyntax | 105 |
prmconfigconfiguring prmconfig syntaxenabling PRM prmconfig syntaxdisabling PRM prmconfig |
syntaxconfiguration displaying current configuration informationprmconfig command syntaxcommands | |
prmconfigsyntax | 106 |
prminitconfigprminitconfig commandsyntaxcommands prminitconfigsyntax | 108 |
prmlist displaying PRM configuration file information with prmlistdisplaying user record information | |
with prmlistdisplaying group/CPU record information with prmlistdisplaying application record |
information with prmlistprmlist commandsyntaxcommands prmlistsyntax | 109 |
prmloadconf prmloadconf commandsyntaxcommands prmloadconfsyntax | 110 |
prmmonitorprmmonitor commandsyntaxcommands prmmonitorsyntax | 110 |
Differences in output from prmmonitor and top | 111 |
prmmove moving a process between groups prmmove syntaxprmmove commandsyntaxcommands |
prmmovesyntax | 111 |
prmrecoverprmrecover commandsyntaxcommands prmrecoversyntax | 112 |
prmrunapplicationlaunchingprmrun syntaxlaunching an applicationin its assigned grouplaunching |
an applicationin a |
commandsyntaxcommands prmrunsyntax | 112 |
prmsmhconfigprmsmhconfig commandsyntaxcommands prmsmhconfigsyntax | 113 |
prm2scompprm2scomp commandsyntaxcommands prm2scompsyntaxSecure Resource Partitions | 114 |
scomp2prmscomp2prm commandsyntaxcommands scomp2prmsyntax | 114 |
srpgensrpgen commandsyntaxcommands srpgensyntaxSecure Resource Partitions | 114 |