7.Verify caching settings.
8.Click OK.
About HP SmartCache
HP SmartCache enables solid state drives to be used as caching devices for hard drive media. HP SmartCache provides the following features:
•Accelerates application performance
•Provides lower latency for transactions in applications
•Supports all operating systems where HP Smart Array Gen9 controllers are supported, without the need for changes to OS, driver, or applications
•Choice of
HP SmartCache will be fully enabled after the first SmartCache is created on the controller. The following features cannot be performed unless HP SmartCache is disabled:
•Expand Array
•Advanced Capacity Expansion
•Move Logical Drive
•Replace Array
•Mirror Splitting and Recombining (offline only)
•Split Mirror Backup and Rollback (online and offline)
•Heal Array
•Extend Logical Drive
•Migrate RAID/Strip Size
•Change Cache Ratio
•Align Logical Drives
To support HP SmartCache, the Smart Array Controller firmware must meet the following version minimums:
•6G controller: version 3.42 or later
•12G controller: all releases
HP SmartCache requires an HP SmartCache license. For more information, see the HP website (http://www.hp.com/go/smartcache).
Enable HP SmartCache
Enabling HP SmartCache with an array will accelerate data input/output for the assigned logical drives. At least one logical drive must be created on the controller prior to enabling HP SmartCache.
To enable HP SmartCache:
1.Open HP SSA.
For more information, see "Using the HP SSA GUI (on page 17)."
2.Open the Configure panel by doing one of the following:
o Choose a device and click Configure in the quick navigation menu.