Keyword abbreviations
Several commonly used keywords in the HP SSA CLI have acceptable abbreviations, as shown in the following table. For a complete list of abbreviations, enter help shorthand in the HP SSA CLI.
Keyword | Abbreviation in HP | Keyword | Abbreviation in HP |
adapterid | ai | nobatterywritecache | nbwc |
allunassigned | au | numberparitygroups | npg |
arrayaccelerator | aa | parallelscsi | ps |
cacheratio | cr | physicaldrive | pd |
chassisname* | ch* | postprompttimeout | ppto |
chassisserialnumber | csn | preferredpathmode | ppm |
chassisslot | chs | queuedepth | qd |
configurationmode | cm | raid1writebuffering | r1wb |
connectionname | cn | rebuildpriority | rp |
controller | ctrl | redundantcontroller | rc |
ctrlpath | cp | serialnumber | sn |
degradedperformancemode | dpo | spareactivationmode | sam |
drivetype | dt | ssdoverprovisioningoptimizat | ssdopo |
| ion |
drivewritecache | dwc | ssdphysicaldrive | ssdpd |
elevatorsort | es | stripesize | ss |
enclosure | enc | surfaceanalysiseventnotify | saen |
exitonerror | eoe | surfacescandelay | ssd |
expandpriority | ep | surfacescanmode | ssm |
inconsistencyrepairpolicy | irp | sufacescanpriority | sp |
licensekey | lk | tapedrive | td |
logicaldrive | ld | waitforcacheroom | wfcr |
mnpdelay | mnpd | — | — |
*The CLI also uses this keyword and abbreviation for the terms box name and RAID array ID.
The show command
The show command enables you to obtain information about a device.
<target> show [detail][status]
When you specify a target that consists of several devices, the information in the output is normally less comprehensive than when you specify only one device as the target. You can use the [detail] parameter in this case to retain all the information usually given for individual devices.
An extra parameter is available for controller targets: config. This parameter is used as follows:
<target controller> show config [detail]
If you use the config parameter, the output includes information about each device connected to the controller.
Example 1: