Figure 5-10 Display Routing Entry Detail display
12.End the SQL server prestart jobs by entering the following command:
13.Add the storage pool to the QSYSWRK subsystem.
14.Verify whether the QSYSWRK subsystem was already modified by entering the following command:
15.On the next display, select option 2 to see the pool.
16.On the Display Pool Definitions display (Figure
If you want to continue with this modification, then change the pool ID (2 in this example) to a number higher than the highest number that is currently in use. Note that this number is the pool number relative to this subsystem and the system as a whole as shown by
Figure 5-11 Display Pool Definitions display for QSYSWRK
Again, the modification was already made using shared pool 2. Therefore, subsystem pool 2 appears. In this case, the subsystem pool number is the same as for QEJBSBS, but this is not necessary. When started a system pool number, as shown by WRKSYSSTS, will be
118Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server