Additional WebSphere configuration
Add the following argument to the command line arguments within your application server. This enables the Message Listener to start and close automatically with the enterprise beans.
Testing the messaging
After call.connect is up and running, you can verify whether the messaging is working correctly by testing it as explained here:
1.Run the call.connect product.
2.Open a call.
3.Create an order.
4.Enter an order line with the quantity of 10.
5.This should create a JMS message that should be delivered back to the client. If the JMS message was not delivered, consult the error logs.
Note: You can also test whether messaging is working by using QSH (your enterprise beans in WebSphere must be running). Type the following text into your QSH session:
. ./ “now type your message here”
Press Enter.
6.Your SalesOrderListener should now receive your message. Check your call.connect logs to see your received message.
3.2.6User profiles
This section explains how to set up user profiles on the iSeries server, in the call.connect user directory and within System21.
Job description
The call.connect library list is set within a job description OSLOMD3/OMJOBD that is supplied as already configured in the OSLOMD3 library. The library list should contain: OSLOMF3, OSLD1F3, OSLD2F3, OSLSLF3, OSLGLF3, OSLCSF3, OSLOMD3, OSLOEP3, OSLINP3, IPGAMF4, IPGCFF4, IPGAMP4, OSLOIF4, OSLOID4, OSLWTP3, OSLGLD3, OSLSLD3, IPGCFP4, and OSLCSD3.
However, if you must use other .connect products or other products that use a workflow, change the job description to include OSLWFF3 in its library list.
Creating iSeries user profiles
You must create iSeries user profiles for all call.connect users. To do this, sign on as QSECOFR and create the profiles as required.
In addition, you must create a special user profile, normally OMUSER with password OMUSER, to be used by JDBC connections. Be sure to use the job description within this user profile. Set the profile with QUSER authority. Then set the CCSID accordingly as follows:
United Kingdom: CCSID = 285
United States: CCSID = 37
Other countries (regions): Set as required
36Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server