6.Click the Databases/Suffixes tab (Figure
a.Under Suffixes, enter a new suffix of: ou=xxx,o=yyy,c=zzz,
Note the following explanation:
ou Organization unit
c Country (region)
b.Click Add.
Figure 4-13 Directory Properties: Database/Suffixes page
Note: Password protection is set to SHA by default. This means that it cannot be decrypted. If a password is forgotten, it cannot be recovered. However, the security officer can create a new one. You can change this to "crypt" by selecting the Network tab and then selecting Advanced. In this case, you can view passwords. We recommend that you do not set this to None.
Using IBM SecureWay
Follow these steps:
1.Open C:\Program Files\IBM\LDAP\etc\dmt.conf (assuming a standard install) using Notepad.
2.Amend the following line to show your iSeries: server1.url=ldap://<iSeries>:389
96Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server