Chapter 2---System Description
H_DRIVE | Square wave 50% duty cycle synchronized to selected horiz sync |
V_DRIVE | Square wave negative going pulse synchronized to selected vertical |
| sync with pulse width of about 4 horiz lines |
H_F2V | DC voltage proportional to horiz frequency |
ISYNC_CLK | 5 mHz clock used to generate the internal sync signals |
IIC_CLK | IIC clock line. Unidirectional clock line for control of synchronous |
| data transfer over the IIC bus interface. |
IIC_DATA | IIC data line. Bidirectional serial line for synchronous data transfer |
| between System Controller and RTG. |
| Convergence/Deflection Board |
IIC_CLK | IIC clock line. Unidirectional clock line for control of synchronous |
| data transfer over the IIC bus interface. |
IIC_DATA | IIC data line. Bidirectional serial line for synchronous data transfer |
| between the SCB and the Convergence/Deflection board. |
X_RED_ | Red X convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
X_GRN_ | Grn X convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
X_BLU_ | Blu X convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
Y_RED_ | Red Y convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
Y_GRN_ | Grn Y convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
Y_BLU_ | Blu Y convergence waveform. The amplitude for full scale correction |
CONV | is about 1 VPP. |
CORR_ | Square wave HCT level synchronous signal for horiz axis. |
| Horizontal/Vertical Deflection Board |
IIC_CLK | IIC clock line. Unidirectional clock line for control of synchronous |
| data transfer over the IIC bus interface. |
Model 200 Service Manual |