Chapter 2---System Description
| ILAs |
RED_ILA+ | The positive output of red ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
RED_ILA- | The negative output of red ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
GRN_ILA+ | The positive output of green ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
GRN_ILA- | The negative output of green ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
BLU_ILA+ | The positive output of blue ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
BLU_ILA- | The negative output of blue ILA driver circuitry, about ± 12 VPP |
ILA_THERM+ | The positive side of the ILA temperature sense line |
ILA_THERM- | The negative side of the ILA temperature sense line |
| Scan Reversal Board |
X_RED- | Current feedback of red horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
X_GRN- | Current feedback of green horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
X_BLU- | Current feedback of blue horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
Y_RED- | Current feedback of red vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
Y_GRN- | Current feedback of green vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
Y_BLU- | Current feedback of blue vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
X_RED+ | Output of red horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
X_GRN+ | Output of green horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
X_BLU+ | Output of blue horizontal (X) convergence amplifier |
Y_RED+ | Output of red vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
Y_GRN+ | Output of green vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
Y_BLU+ | Output of blue vertical (Y) convergence amplifier |
| Horizontal/Vertical Deflection Board |
WIDTH_ | A DC wave form for controlling width of picture. About 4 V max. |
Model 200 Service Manual |