2-72 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Hawk PCI Host Bridge & Multi-Processor Interrupt Controller
XFBR PPC Flush Before Read. If set, the PHB will guarantee
that all PCI initiated posted write transact io ns will be
completed before any PPC-initiated read transactions will
be allowed to complete. When XFBR is clear, there is no
correlation between these transaction types and their order
of completion. Refer to the section titled Transaction
Ordering for more information.
XBTx PPC Bus Time-out. This field spec ifies the enabling and
PPC bus time-out length to be used by the PPC timer. The
time-out length is encoded as follows:
P64 64-bit PCI Mode.
If set, the PHB is connected to a 64-bit
PCI bus. Refer to the section titled PHB Hardware
Configuration for more details of how this b it is set
OPIC OpenPIC Interrupt Co ntroller Enable.
If set, the PHB
detected errors are passed on to the MPIC. If cleared, PHB
detected errors are passed on to the processor 0 INT pin
This field is encoded as shown below to indicate
who is currently the PPC bus master. This information is
obtained by sampling the XARB0 thru XARB3 pins when
in external PPC arbitration mode. When in intern al PPC
arbitration mode, this information is generated by the PPC
Arbiter. In a multiprocessor environment, these bits allo w
softwa re to determine on which processor it is currently
MBT Time Out Length
00 256 msec
01 64 msec
10 8 msec
11 disabled
MID Current PPC Data Bus
00 device on ABG0*
01 device on ABG1*
10 devi c e on ABG2
11 Hawk