devices, when Big-Endian 2-38
Master 2-10
Master, Bug Hog 2-14
Master, doing prefetched reads 2-13
Master, read ahead mode 2-12
parity 2-17
register map 2-68
registers 2-68
slave’s role 2-7
to PCI address translation 2-7
write posting 2-9
PPC Arbiter
debug functions 2-16
parking modes 2-16
prioritization schemes 2-16
PPC Arbiter Control Register 2-73
PPC Error Address Register 2-84
PPC Error Attribute Register - EATTR 2-85
PPC Error Enable Register 2-79
PPC Error Status Register 2-82
PPC Slave Address (0,1 and 2) Registers 2-88
PPC Slave Address (3) Register 2-89
PPC Slave Address Register 2-90
PPC Slave Offset/Attribute (0,1 and 2) Reg-
isters 2-91
PPC60x Bus Interface
SMC 3-9
PPC60x Data Parity 3-10
Prescaler Adjust Register 2-77
priority schemes
described (PCI arbiter) 2-35
PRKas used in arbitration parking 2-37
Processor Init Register 2-116
processor internal clock frequenc 1-9
Processor Memory Map 1-4
Processor PLL Configuration 1-9
Processor Type Identification 1-9
Processor Version Register (PVR) 1-9
processor/memory domain
MPC750 4-9
Processors 1-9
programmable DMA Controller 1-2
Programmable Lock Resolution 2-46
programming details 1-1, 4-1
programming information
added resources xxi
programming ROM/Flash devices 3-75
PVR value 1-9
RRAM A BASE 3-43, 3-68
RAM B BASE 3-43, 3-68
RAM C BASE 3-43, 3-68
RAM D BASE 3-43, 3-66, 3-67, 3-68
read ahead mode
in PPC Master 2-12
Read/Write Checkbits control bit 3-46
Read/Write to ROM/Flash 3-56
refdis 3-46
refresh/scrub 3-34
SMC 3-34
Refresh/Scrub Address Register
SMC 3-53
Status 1-24
register bit descriptions
SMC 3-38
register map 2-68
PCI 2-97
PPC 2-68
register summary 3-36
CLK Frequency 3-44
Current Task Priority 2-127
End-of-Interrupt 2-128
External Source Destination 2-124
External Source Vector/Priority 2-122
Feature Reporting 2-113
General Purpose 2-96
Global Configuration 2-114
Hardware Control-Status Register 2-77